Sunday 20 September 2009

Personal survival training

The final part of my trainings was personal survival specifically water survival.  We looked at the safety features on ships, how you get help, how you would launch a lifeboat or liferaft etc.  As part of our training we had another practical exercise at Tyler Junior College pool.  We donned the life jacket and the immersion (or gumby) suit, jumped into the water, got in and out of the liferaft (both in the life jacket and the immersion suit) and various other tasks.

This was all great fun, however, the immersion suits are not designed for people as short as me, needless to say what would have made a ridiculous picture in the first place (because you look like a teletubbie) looked even more funny when your hands are a foot away from where they should be!  So here are some pictures for your amusement.

The Gateway girls!

Deploying the sea anchor from the liferaft

Wearing the immersion suit (I think it's going to be the next big thing!)

 Jumping into the pool in the immersion suit

Swimming in a train in our immersion suits (I'm second from last in the train, the end closest to the camera)


 Getting into the liferaft in the immersion suits

In the liferaft

Flipping the liferaft