Sunday 13 September 2009

It's the start of something new...

So after my 10 hour flight I have safely arrive at the IOC (Mercy Ships International Operations Centre) in Texas. I am really thankful for travelling mercies, I was sat with two very friendly people on the plane who made the whole journey so much more pleasant, although we were all disappointed that the ground was soaking wet when we landed and it proceeded to rain for nearly all of the two hour drive from the airport to the IOC. I had also forgotten how many fast food restaurants they have out here, and am desperately hoping I won't have to eat too much of it! (Oh and Natalie, I saw the sweet shop in the airport! Not so keen on the fact I saw Stephanie's liquor shop on the drive across to the centre).  

I am now unpacked in the room that will be home the next five weeks, and although I woke up around 4am here, I managed to stay in bed until 6 (and I had held off going to bed until 9pm local time last night) so hopefully the jet lag will all be gone by next week. Going to church later on today which will be good and I'll hopefully get to explore the centre a bit more and find out where everything is. I've currently met four people who will be doing the same course as me which is really nice and makes me feel a lot less on my own. Plus at least two of them are going onto the ship the same day as me so will be catching the same flight from Paris to Benin I expect which is great. Anyway I will hopefully keep you posted about my training using the blog over the next five weeks!


Unknown said...

Hey Steph,
Sorry to have missed you before you went this far: I guess things have been quite busy for you... Am I on any prayer emails? If not, can I be please? Exciting stuff happening over here: hopefully planting a church in the local shopping centre next sunday!
Because He's great,