Tuesday 13 October 2009

Week 3 - Rejected Nooma Video

Well, when I shared my poem on Sunday, I didn't mention that the whole group presented something in some way for that part of the course.  They were all brilliant, but unfortunately I can't share them all.  However I do feel the need to share Keith's contribution.  To really appreciate the video you need to have seen Nooma videos by Rob Bell.  So I present to you Keith Johnson's Mercy Ships Gateway Project - Rejected Nooma Video!

"I attended a 3 week training course called "Gateway" at Mercy Ships. Our last day we had to present a project sharing some things that jumped out at us. During this training a video by Rob Bell (Dust - a part of the Nooma series of teachings) was shown to us. I figured I'd make a copy/parody of the video to share a few things that popped out to me. Couple things to know:

1) 22 out of 24 participants were heading to Africa to serve as missionaries... I was one of the two staying in the States.

2) They fed us snacks (very yummy snacks) about every two hours... sigh... I miss that.

If you haven't seen the Dust nooma video by Rob Bell the "look" won't mean as much and some of the subtle jokes you wouldn't get unless you were part of the Gateway.... but it should still be worth a view. Our family had fun making it :)"